Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Here comes the Tax Cut train

I'll just start this off with a long, drawn out 'sigh'. To be perfectly honest I had no idea Bush had even passed a tax cut, but to extend it leads me to think that maybe President Obama is just simply fishing for economic recovery. Not to insinuate that I know a substantial amount about how the economy works, but it seems to me that by extending the tax cuts to the wealthy Americans does nothing to help the economy, especially if it ads 900 BILLION to the already staggering 13 Trillion National Debt. 

Obama Seeks to Deflect Anger in Party Over Tax Deal

It seems to me that something must be going horribly wrong for a Democratic President to ask for support from an opposing Republican party to pass this deal, which comes as no surprise, seeing as the late Republican president Bush was the one who introduced the tax cut. Weird? I don't think so. My question remains: Why is Obama going to the Republican party for help? Well, it's not rocket science, I think most of us know by now that at least some of the the Democratic party thinks that the president is not going in the right direction, and the people have picked up on this. Proof of that has come from the mid-term elections.

Bush-Era Tax Cuts

The reasoning for the tax breaks is, yet again, that it will "trickle down" to the working class, and in return help the economy, something I'm a bit hesitant to swallow just yet. But as with most things, there are two sides to the story, and I don't pretend to know enough about the economy to say how it will turn out, but to me it seems counter-productive to lower taxes for the wealthy and millionaires who have the income to pay them, while increasing our already bloated national debt. And I'm not neglecting the fact that these cuts will keep the tax of the middle class low as well.

But I digress, maybe we should leave it to the brain-heads in Capital Hill to tell us what's better for us in the long run...

...I don't think so.

1 comment:

  1. I disagree that extending the tax cuts to the wealthy Americans does nothing to help the economy. I believe that in order for the economy to become stable business need to start hiring again. Government does not have the power to make business hire new employees. The wealthy are able to invest more money in businesses, in order to help them succeed. They are not going to be able to invest money in businesses if they have less of it. If taxes go up on the wealthy, I believe that our economy is going to get worse.
    I agree that the Democratic Party has lost faith in their President. I believe that because of the mid-term elections President Obama realizes that the only way he is going to have a chance at re-election is if he works with the Republican Party. Is this going to happen? If the President’s party has anything to say about it the answer will be no. I believe that this next year is going to show the American people the type of President they elected. Only time will tell what is going to happen.
