Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Republican Come-back?

In The Looming Democratic Crack-up Hugh Hewitt states some facts of why he thinks the Democrats will certainly loose the upcoming elections. Is he right? Most likely, and I tend to agree. The Democrats have been dodging bullets and drawing the attention to other issues, according to Hewitt. He makes it very clear that this is one of the main reasons why the voters will look to the Republicans for an answer. Hewitt gives us the articles and other sources to support what he is saying, and they don't let you down. He argues that the Democrats are jut abandoning the President. Most of the evidence he provides is to show you exactly this, that the Democrats are waving attention away from the programs they supported themselves. Is it because they think they're not doing a good job in the recovery of the economy? From the way Hewitt writes this article it seems so. He's basing his assumption almost solely on this, and although that might seem reckless, it seems strong enough argument;  "all one party wants to talk about what the president, Pelosi and Reid have done these past two years. The other party wants to talk about anything except that record." As far as the audience, well it should be pretty obvious that it's anyone that is in favor of the Republicans. Anyone who wants their party to win will find this article interesting and will most likely agree with it.

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